So, the humanz really really like treats. They don't get theirs hard and crunchy from a box though, they are always making them in the great room, that's the room they call kitchen.
So once again they were making cookies. Being a connoisseur of cookies, I thought I'd help out. I could lend my not so discriminating palate to help taste test. I can also measure and mix the ingredients. However, best of all, I can get right between your legs and sit there for a better view and supervise.
The way the humanz reacted, you'd almost think they didn't appreciate all my help. It's not my fault they walk on only two legs and are more prone to vertical stability issues. They said it looked like I had my nose in a bag of smack. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I'll wag my tail and look happy, as long as they give me a cookie.
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