Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring has almost sprung

We went rollerblading today. Can you tell I wasn't tired from it :-)    I was still able to fetch, and fetch some more, for fun. Have I mentioned before I really love the "Kong on a rope."

 Spring is technically not here yet. People say, "I wish spring would hurry up" but from a scientific viewpoint, it is the Earth that would have to hurry up to spring. See, it's the position of the Earth and it's poles that determines the actual time of the season change event. In this case when the normal vector of the plane of the axis rotation is pointed to the center of the Sun, or something like that.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to more rollerblading and running.

1 comment:

  1. I took the dogs to the park, and you wouldn't know it wasn't spring by all the activity. They had as much fun as I did. Glad you did too.
