Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baily Talks Stimulus Plan

Baily recently was investigating the newly signed stimulus package online.

So the stimulus plan is like almost 800 billion dollars. You can sure buy a lot of dog biscuits for that kind of money. Baily was wondering what else you could buy for 800 billion. The following information is provided from Clearview economics and are cost adjusted for 2009 dollars.

  • Louisiana Purchase - 261 million (in 2009 dollars)
  • Panama Canal - 7 billion
  • The entire NEW DEAL - 500 billion (and that supposedly brought us out of the great depression)
  • 35 years of the Interstate highway system - 800 billion (at least we have roads to show for it)
  • WWII - 4 Trillion (in 2009 dollars)
So for a plan that's costing double the NEW DEAL, and equal to 35 years of highway construction. Some improvements in the electrical grid is about all the infrastructure improvements we may see from this.

Friday, February 27, 2009

"Business Trip", yeah sure.

One of the humanz went away for a couple days on a business trip. I heard him say it was warm and sunny there. Well this all sounds a bit fishy, so while he's sleeping in, I'm going to take a little peek at his camera.

California Quail! Roadrunners! Hello, I'm half Weimaraner and half Labrador Retreiver, that makes me 100% bird dog. I'm suppose to be there. What's this other thing? A rabbit, come on, it would be so much fun to chase a rabbit. Business trip my tail.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Guess what I found!

Well, we knew my nose worked, and I found out that a rabbit had been hopping through the back yard. I wanted to eat the little jellybeans, but the humanz wouldn't let me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baily and Bird Training

The humanz started to use the "special" retrieving dummy. It was pretty easy to find, as it smelled like a bird. I had a lot of fun chasing the dummy and bringing it back. Hey, wait a minute, that sounds an awful lot like work. Oh well, it was still fun.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Too funny!!! Stolen from

Sunday, February 15, 2009


The faster I go, the harder it is for them to get a clear picture.
The faster I go, the harder it is for them to get a clear picture.
The faster I go, the harder it is for them to get a clear picture.

We had some fun outside, I really like action shots, they sure do get you some exercise in the process.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sophia, the cat

The humanz were complaining that there was no picture of the cat in the Blog. Well, this cat is incredibly easy to LOL. She always looks grumpy, no matter how excited I get around her, or how much I try and play with her.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Warming up

So, the little girl that never wears socks in the morning, she would stand on this hole in the floor that was covered by the metal grate. How comfortable can that be? Sure can't see why you'd want to do that.

Let me give it a try... Wow, that's toasty warm, I think maybe I'll hang out here for a little bit. The humanz say their old dog never did that. I guess I'm full of surprises.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Snuggled up, watching glowing phosphurs

My new home has a little girl, who is one of my favorite humans, mostly because she never wears socks, and I like to play with her wiggly toes. It's a fun game, and she plays keep away with them, making it even more fun.

Here, we are both watching PBS on TV, some show on drawing nature, maybe she'll draw me some day. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

LOLDOG - all the chocolate treats

Baily copied this picture from the interwebs at ZoeyandherChocolateTreats then we put the captions on it.

You can vote for other pictures Baily and her humanz helped make by visiting the humans page at icanhascheezburger

Friday, February 6, 2009


The humans are always laughing and giggling at pictures on the computer. It seems humans place phrases of bad grammar on pictures of cats or dogs for amusement. These are affectionately called LOL (for laugh out loud) CAT pictures, or LOLDOG.

Two of the web sites that are the funniest sites of LOL's are LOLCAT and LOLDOG.

Here are some recent funny ones. Maybe tomorrow we'll post some LOL's the humanz made.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cat Beds

Baily's cat friend, Sophia, got a pretty little flower bed for Christmas. Baily can not understand why the cat prefers laying on the furniture to this really cool bed. I mean, it has lots of edges for grabbing, can be moved easily and ... yawn... seems comfortable. Baily will give it more thought or as we humans say, "She'll sleep on it."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Baily AKA Kisses

This blog is spun from another

We decided to call our puppy Baily, as we thought it would be kind of funny to be out in the field, hunting birds, and then saying, "Kisses, fetch me the dead bird!"

Baily went to the vet today for her 8 week shots. Naturally everyone commented on what a good looking puppy she was. She gained over two pounds since last week's posted weight. She really likes to eat!

She got her first pheasant already :)