Sunday, July 25, 2010

Smokey Mountains

Boss dude goes off to the Smokey Mountains to go backpacking. He says I can't go because dogs are not allowed in the back country, although I could prove to be very useful in the woods.

However, he finds other dogs out there. They had radio collars and name tags. They were starving, and had some tick bites. So at least boss dude got the two dogs rescued. Though I wish I could have talked with them, we could swap hunting stories.

This dog is Lizzy.

And this dog is Chaos. His back leg was swelled up a little when he was found, but he still followed boss dude 20 miles or so in the back country to be rescued.

Lesson learned, just because you have a radio collar, it does not mean you still can't get lost.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Baily and her Tail

For the most part, Baily does everything with Gusto, even chasing her tail.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Someone had a bath

Someone had a bath, and it wasn't me.   :-)

I think Sophia the Lazy Cat is plotting her revenge, you may not want to go near her anytime soon. But honestly, doesn't she look like a wet rat now?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baily goes for a hike

Went for a little backpack test hike with Boss Dude. Lots of miles and almost all day off leash!

I ran around a lot, can you tell?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I like to keep up on current events!

I like to keep up on my current events, and I want the events to be current, not old news. So I want to read the paper first thing in the morning. Those lazy humanz just want to sleep in, humpph. So I had to start bringing in the paper myself. A dog's job is never done.

It's a small job, but brings me satisfaction doing it well. 

Happy memorial day, and remember the soldiers that provide you the freedom to have a free press, as well as a dog that can bring it in.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring has almost sprung

We went rollerblading today. Can you tell I wasn't tired from it :-)    I was still able to fetch, and fetch some more, for fun. Have I mentioned before I really love the "Kong on a rope."

 Spring is technically not here yet. People say, "I wish spring would hurry up" but from a scientific viewpoint, it is the Earth that would have to hurry up to spring. See, it's the position of the Earth and it's poles that determines the actual time of the season change event. In this case when the normal vector of the plane of the axis rotation is pointed to the center of the Sun, or something like that.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to more rollerblading and running.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fun with ropes

You may not know this, but the boss dude is into knives. He really likes the videos from Cold Steel, and even has a few of their knives. I think it's nothing special, I can cut a rope too, and I don't need a knife, I just use my mouth.

This is what the rope originally looked like,and what I can do to it without a big ole fancy knife. Let's see Mr Lynn Thompson do that without a knife.